9th December 2020 - Added the ability to change the Onsen Bathhouse lot in Mt.18th January 2021 - You can now change the venue type of Planet Sixam and the Magic Realm.22nd July 2021 - Updated to work in Henford-on-Bagley.16th June 2022 - Updated to work in Moonmood Mill.28th July 2022 - Updated for High School Years.29th July 2022 - Moved the ability to create custom high schools to a seperate download due to issues for those not using the feature.16th March 2023 - Updated for Growing Together.13th June 2023 - Fixed an issue where the mod wouldn’t work in Tartosa.In addition to making it possible to move the High School and Auditorium, this update also enables those lots for club gatherings! Change Log This is why it’s so important to change the lot types of the original lots! It is not currently possible to change the location of the festivals - those will always take place in the open area behind the original lot.Ĭurrently, the mod is only designed for one High School and Auditorium per save. If you have multiple, the game will just select a random one every time it sends you. PLEASE NOTE: This only changes the location of the school event.

This will ensure Sims are only ever sent to the new high school lot, never the original. Edit the original High School (or Auditorium) and change the lot type to something different.Build the lot or place one from the gallery, then set the lot type to High School or Auditorium. Edit the lot you want to turn into a High School (or Auditorium).With the release of High School Years, Venue Changes lets you change the locations of the High School and Auditorium to different lots. If you don’t have certain packs installed, the list of venues will show blank items.The “Changes to Existing Venues” makes special lot types available (by setting hide_from_build_buy_ui to false) and makes other changes necessary for the venues to work properly.The “Venues” package modifies the list of venues to show all types that have hide_from_buildbuy_ui set to false.This is a feature I’m considering implementing in the future, but isn’t currently included. If you set a custom venue to “Hospital”, Sims in the Doctor career will still be sent to the default Hospital. Venue Changes does not currently alter where Sims will be sent for active careers, it just unlocks the venue types. Make world-specific lot types, like Beaches, available in all worlds.Change the lot type of special lots, like Chalet Gardens, Myshuno Meadows, or even the Mt.Unlock custom venue types added by other mods.Venue Changes unlocks most venue types in Build Mode.